Machine technical sheet

Immagine rappresentane il macchinario
Brand: Tutti
Model: TUTTI
Type: Audio and Video wirelss
Power supply: NOT ASSESSED
Reference standard: CEI EN 62209-1
Frequency of work: 400 - 2000 MHz
Type of emission: Non disponibile
Type of radiant element: Non disponibile
Category according to 12198-1-12009 Standard: Non disponibile
Required protection measures:
  1. No risk from EMF for the general public and for the workers, if compliant with the specific product standard (CE mark). A specific assessment could be required only for workers wearing active implanted devices. Observe the indications on the Owner's manual.

logo regione toscana
Regione Toscana
Diritti Valori Innovazione Sostenibilità
collegamento sito usl 7 siena Servizio Sanitario